Smooth, Beautiful Disaster, Utter Chaos.

Kids, Date, and a Game.
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“Alright, so now we’re gonna go to the music workshop…” Yifan muttered to Joonmyeon before he glanced over to the kids around them.  “Think they’ll be paying attention in there?” 

A weak shrug. 

“Same here… It’s supposed to have instruments, if I recall from last year.  I hope none of them will be fragile this year.”  Yifan stood up before extending a hand to Joonmyeon.

Joonmyeon eyed him warily as he accepted his hand to stand up.  He was wondering why Yifan would say that with such a serious tone in his voice.  “Thanks.” 

A smile. 

“Er… Did…someone break something last year?”

“Not from this group last year, no.  It was from one of the middle school groups.  The instructor last year was forgiving about it, thank goodness.  But the poor kid cried and didn’t want to participate in the next day during the music workshop.  Speaking of which, he might be here again.”  Yifan scanned the assembly for the kid from where he stood.  Unfortunately, it was just too crowded, with so many people trying to get out of the assembly to go to their first workshops of the morning.  

“Ahh, there’s too many; maybe later today, during lunch.  Anyway, let’s get going.  Workshop’s in five minutes.  Come on, follow us, kids!  Parents, come with us, too!”

His attention now to the kids, Joonmyeon started calling out some of the kids’ names to get their attentions to fall in line and follow Yifan and him to their music workshop.  Unable to resist, he searched for Sehun, who held hands with Zitao as the two kids waved Luhan goodbye.  He smiled and was about to call them too, when they turned and caught up with their group.  Joonmyeon noticed Sehun had looked up, looking for someone when their eyes met, and he was met with Sehun’s gleaming eyes and an adorable wave of a hand.

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The first workshop went unexpectedly smooth; it was not quiet, of course, but the noise level was comfortable, due to the aid of parents shushing, with Joonmyeon and Yifan, to the kids.  Sehun and Zitao were among the attentive students of the group. 

(By attentive, at least they were not running around the classroom hyperactively and touching things that they should not be touching.)  

When the group paired up in twos, Sehun automatically scooted close to Zitao and shoved out others who would try to pair up with him.

“No! I don’t want!  Sheeto and Sehun!  Sheeto and Sehun!” Sehun was practically glaring at the other kids.  “MINE!”

“Boys, I have a drum for you~” The instructor cooed to the toddlers to quell the squabble.  “For Zitao and Sehun!”

Joonmyeon and Yifan watched in amusement when the two now quiet kids marveled upon receiving a single, big toy drum and two sticks.  They switched the drumsticks with each other a few times before settling with their own stick.  They were among the few that had drums to play; the other pairs had maracas or little horns.

When the music started playing from the boom box, Joonmyeon was the first to clap to the rhythm and Yifan followed suit, watching him with a smile on his face.  Soon, the parents joined in and the kids started playing with their instruments.

Alas, the kids are still young, so no one could find it in their hearts to criticize them for playing offbeat to the music, and making strange tunes.  At least everyone was having fun.

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The second workshop was a disaster, a beautiful disaster.

How it all started was that fortunately, the workshop took place in the shaded outdoor area, the kids had large bibs that prevent their clothes from getting dirty, and the kids had large paintbrushes.  Cleanup would be easy…but not when there were spilled paint cups and water splashes on the tables, on some papers, and unused paper towels.

A few of the kids had their own parents supervising them, so that left Sehun, Zitao and eight other kids unsupervised.  However, the parents were willing to supervise one more kid each, so it left Sehun, Zitao, and two other kids. 

Sehun and Zitao had lured Joonmyeon and Yifan respectively with their puppy eyes and pouting lips, leaving one of the two instructors with the remaining two kids.  It was not coincidence that Zitao and Sehun sat next to each other the moment the painting workshop started.

When Joonmyeon and Yifan came to sit next to their own supervising kid, they would watch them as they paint, sometimes helping them out with cleaning the paintbrushes or drying up wet splashes outside of the painting papers.  Both Zitao and Sehun were happily painting their artwork when Yifan sneaked a chance to take a small paintbrush and paint a green stripe on a blank space of Sehun’s paper.

It happened so sudden and Joonmyeon’s eyes widened at the quick action.  Joonmyeon stared accusingly at Yifan, mouthing to him, “What was that for?”  Yifan winked at him and shrugged with a playful smirk.  Joonmyeon observed the painting with held breath, and the obvious green stripe that could not pass for an accidental of a brush.

Sehun had stopped mid-painting when he noticed Yifan had painted a green stripe on his paper with a rainbow on it.  T

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2437 streak #1
Chapter 4: things were very PG except for that one moment when Yifan was naughty when they were with the kids... but man, everything that happened in Jun's apartment! that's gonna be one heck of a story to share in the future for them! HAHAHAHAHA

Yifan really knew how to do it tho, man, he was the one who initiated the game, he was the one who took his shirt off first, he dared Jun to do so... but when tension was all over and Jun was getting restless, he knew when to to tone it down... but for real, it was never the same after that moment! HAHA all the tension was build up for that sincere confession... the thing abt seeing a future with Jun got me too! HIHIHI as cheesy as the buildup was, since it ended well for both of them anyway, everything's good! HAHA

this was really enjoyable to read! i haven't read this again in a very long time but it was such a delight to go back to! thank you for this authornim!
2437 streak #2
2437 streak #3

Yifan the pwenny giant! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2437 streak #4
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAHAHA Yifan is lucky Sehun didn't cry at what he did!

damn, i know mods aren't supposed to be attached to the kids, but what abt the kids being attached to one another? i believe that Tao and Sehun are already beyond acquaintances by this point
Chapter 4: I miss your stories and flowerymisha's stories. Craving for krisho so rereading this...
Chapter 4: I love this ❤❤
Chapter 4: I adore this!!! Thank you!
tw2111 #8
Chapter 4: Sehun and Tao are too cute! And I love the toy hammer! This story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Chapter 4: Awwwww love this so much !!~♥
Live Krisho more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 4: Sehun's so cute ;u; I just want to squish him. asdfhaskgaslfsd;;
My feels are so satisfied, I can't.
"how's that for your first kiss"
omf krease no. /dies.